Tech for Retail 2023

How do I schedule a 1to1 meeting ?

1to1 meetings are available exclusively for Retailers. 
1.Please sign in using the e-mail address used when registering to the show 
2. To schedule your meeting with the exhibitor, clic on the button below <Request a meeting>




Scale Computing - HCI Edge Solutions for Retail Stores Customer experience has overtaken price and product as the key brand differentiator. New technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing help retailers support this demand with a more flexible, reliable, secure, scalable, and resilient in-store infrastructure. Combine virtualization, IoT, and edge computing with an adaptable infrastructure that streamlines retail IT operations at the storefront level and provides major opportunities to enhance the consumer experience while also lowering costs. Run your existing business applications—such as point of sale, inventory management, video security, and your new IoT transformative applications—on a common platform.

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