Tech for Retail 2024

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1to1 meetings are available exclusively for Retailers. 
1.Please sign in using the e-mail address used when registering to the show 
2. To schedule your meeting with the exhibitor, clic on the button below <Request a meeting>

Colis Affranchis



Colis Affranchis improves productivity in the transport sector (parcels and pallets) for distributors, e-commerce businesses, logistics providers, and industrial companies. What are the benefits of our solution: - Increases customer loyalty through better communication, notably with proactive detection of transport anomalies. - Enhances back-office productivity and generates savings on transportation costs. - Enables analysis of carrier performance and the utilization of transport data - Reduces claims, centralizes, ensures reliability, and automates transport after-sales service. The Colis Affranchis SAAS includes 5 cumulative modules: 1. Post-purchase 2. Return automation 3. Transport performance tracking 4. After-sales service 5. Invoice control