Tech for Retail 2024

How do I schedule a 1to1 meeting ?

1to1 meetings are available exclusively for Retailers. 
1.Please sign in using the e-mail address used when registering to the show 
2. To schedule your meeting with the exhibitor, clic on the button below <Request a meeting>

Crème de la crème



Crème de la crème: First selective freelance platform for corporate accounts Since 2015, Crème de la Crème has become the indispensable partner for prestigious companies such as Chanel, Hermès, Lacoste, Kering, LVMH, and L'Oréal, aiming to collaborate with top-tier IT freelancers. With over 30,000 highly qualified and meticulously selected freelancers, Crème de la Crème offers a trusted and expert ecosystem, specializing in IT transformation. Our areas of expertise include AI, Tech, Data, Product, UX, Digital, Marketing, and Cloud. Discover how Crème de la Crème can assist you in achieving your digital transformation goals by providing access to unparalleled talents and a diverse range of skills. Learn more