Tech for Retail 2024

How do I schedule a 1to1 meeting ?

1to1 meetings are available exclusively for Retailers. 
1.Please sign in using the e-mail address used when registering to the show 
2. To schedule your meeting with the exhibitor, clic on the button below <Request a meeting>




"Because Time To Market and personalization of the user experience are key issues for merchants' businesses, Worldline builds and operates tailor-made Composable Commerce platforms, based on MACH principles, namely microservices, an API-first approach, a cloud-native architecture (Cloud Native/SaaS), and a “Headless” approach for flexibility.​ Our value proposition is based on the modularity provided by the “best of breed” approach which consists of choosing and assembling the best solutions on the market. It allows businesses to take advantage of the best innovations and advances available on the market, without being limited by a single solution.​ We work hand in hand with an ecosystem of partners to ensure the continued growth of your business while guaranteeing the performance and reliability of business service.​ In order to support our clients in the complexity of transformation projects, Worldline works closely with the companies' IT department. Worldline plays an active role in the development, operation and maintenance of its clients' Commerce platforms."