Tech for Retail 2024

How do I schedule a 1to1 meeting ?

1to1 meetings are available exclusively for Retailers. 
1.Please sign in using the e-mail address used when registering to the show 
2. To schedule your meeting with the exhibitor, clic on the button below <Request a meeting>


Description is the leading SaaS omnichannel product lifecycle management platform in Europe that connects all the stakeholders into a single source of truth. After-sales services are often the last link in the shopping experience, with little or no optimization on the part of retailers, impacting customer satisfaction and representing significant operational costs. Our mission is to help simplify the after-sales experience for both customers and employees, supporting our customers in their digital transformation, while reducing their operational costs and environmental footprint. ➡️ Facilitate the return process for your customers using selfcare to transform a potentially negative experience into a loyalty lever. Our SaaS platform enables instant processing of return requests and provides customers with complete automation and traceability of their after-sales process. ➡️ Unload your customer service, automates tasks and centralize data connecting to your partners for reliable and rapid responses, real-time tracking and cost reduction. Get a 360° view on your returns and focus on what really matters: customer satisfaction. ➡️ Develop your second-life business thanks to your returns, reduce your carbon footprint by optimizing your logistics flows and improving repair management. The solution is now deployed by some of the largest retailers: FNAC Darty, Carrefour, Auchan, Leclerc, La Redoute, Maison du Monde, etc.